What We'll Explore
Registration Opens
7:30 AM
8:00 AM
Welcome: Harnessing AI for Transformative Value
9:00 AM
Paul Baier and John Sviokla will discuss key lessons from 2024, share predictions for 2025 and 2026 based on GAI Insights' research, and there will be a brief message from our platinum and gold sponsors.
Paul Baier
John Sviokla
GAI Insights
GAI Insights
Fireside Chat: View from a Board Member and CEO of a Publicly Traded Company
9:15 AM
WEX is a multi-billion-dollar global payments firm. Paul will discuss how an HBS professor and board member views GenAI, and how a CEO drives transformational GenAI change while managing the expectations of investors, the board, and other stakeholders.
Shikar Ghosh
Paul Baier
Melissa Smith
Harvard Business School
GAI Insights
Panel Moderator
10 Predictions for AI
9:40 AM
Ulrike leads a team at one of the largest investment banks in the world and will share top trends and implications they see from GenAI/AI. Will value creation move beyond chip and foundational models sold by cloud providers?
Ulrike Hoffmann-Burchardi
Chief Investment Officer for Global Equities
Making it Real: GenAI Could Transform Your Business with our Proven WINS Framework
10:00 AM
The WINS framework was featured in the September 2023 HBR. This session reveals why firms heavily invested in creating or enhancing words, images, numbers, and sounds are poised for significant disruption—and opportunity. See how this framework can be used for assessing urgency and opportunity at the industry, company and job level.
John Sviokla
GAI Insights
Adam Rappaport
10:20 AM
Coffee Break: Time to Recharge Your Circuits
Driving Change at Scale and Ensuring Competitive Advantage
10:50 AM
What are the leadership issues when moving from GenAI prototype, to pilot, to production, to portfolio in a large enterprise. How are impactful project chosen? What techniques successfully accomplish executive and organizational alignment and execution?
Paul Baier
GAI Insights
Panel Moderator
Lessons from AI Leaders
11:15 AM
Top leaders share how they have achieved AI-driven success and lessons from their GenAI systems in production. John and Bill will each present for ten minutes and then John Sviokla will moderate a 10 minute discussion of implications and lessons for the audience.
Bill Fandrich
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Executive Vice President of Technology and Operations
John Sviokla
GAI Insights
Panel Moderator
Rizwan Mallal
Quantum Gears
11:55 AM
Refuel & Recharge: Nourish Your Mind and Machine
Break-Out Sessions
12:55 PM
12:55 PM
Building Tomorrow: The AI-Driven Healthcare Provider
1:15 PM
AI Trends in Life Sciences and Medical Devices
Badri Raghavan
VP of AI & M
Matt Lewis
Founder and CEO
1:35 PM
Remaking a 160 Year Old, World Leading Healthcare Organization
1:55 PM
What to expect from AI in Healthcare in 2025
Ryan Vega, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Toby Eduardo Redshaw
Verus Advisory
2:15 PM
Insights from Recent Forbes Research
Janett Haas
SVP, Forbes Research and Insights
Ross Gagnon
Executive Director of Research
2:35 PM
The View From Key Suppliers: What Are the Emerging Best Practices and Top 2 Trends for 2025
3:05 PM
A moderated panel from leading providers. What can we expect in 2025? Which is better - closed or open source? How soon will small models be ready for enterprise deployment?
Yasmina Benkhoui
Pankaj Dugar
Paul Baier
GAI Insights
SVP & GM North America
Senior Manager, Strategic Partnerships, & Ecosystem Lead
Panel Moderator
Fireside Chat: How to "Own Your Edge"
3:35 PM
Inflection AI is a leading fontier model and is helping firms own their own intelligence. Enterprises have demanding control over vital knowledge and assets to ensure a competitive advantage in this age of AI. How Should Companies Think About This?
Innovation from the GenAI Frontlines
Generative AI is unlocking limitless possibilities for innovation. In this session, Sri Elaprolu, Director and Global Head of the AWS Generative AI Innovation Center, will share lessons learned from the last year on the frontlines with the Generative AI Innovation Center that have helped hundreds of businesses to build and scale generative AI applications.
Sri Elaprolu
​Generative AI Innovation Center at Amazon Web Services
Promise or Peril? Investing in the AI Wave from a VC Perspective.
4:25 PM
VC are at the cutting edge of evaluating GenAI/AI technologies and are making massive bets. What are the leading trends they are seeing and are excited about?
Rudina Seseri
Chip Hazard
Scott Kirsner
Glasswing Ventures
Flybridge Capital Partners
Founder and Managing Partner
General Partner and Co-Founder
5:10 PM to 6:30 PM
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM